MindVerse is a simple chat application that not only enables you to chat with family and friends but also allows you to join groups - by matching your trending topics of interest.

Unlike current chat/social applications, MindVerse doesn't just simply help you connect to the groups you seek by searching titles and exact content match within your query parameters, it lets you stack up (or join several combinations of tags) to match your queries. With the help of the application's inbuilt navigation (Atlas aka the "MindVerse"), a user can simply narrow down to public groups currently trending about with their topics of interest using tags (This is similar to word cloud tags in blogs but different with the tag stacking manner).

Word Cloud

The catch here is that the Atlas samples out groups based on their content or what the group #trends about... this helps connect people better to their respective groups as well as weed out groups that only talk about a single "phrase" once and then later is "doomed by association" in return. This doesn't mean that once a group gets popular in MindVerse it stays so... The Atlas, when getting the trending tags, will pick the last X number of updated tags (allowing new groups to rise up to the challenge as time moves on).

Word Cloud

The truth of the matter is that some of us just want to join groups that talk about "SpaceX's Rockets" in such a way that if their content starts shifting focus to something else, the group should feel the heat of some sort of de-popularization and starts retrenching in new members as they are matched to other better groups talking about "SpaceX's Rockets". The very idea of this helps;

  1. Curb headless groups (jumping from one topic to the next) - confusing its members.
  2. Weeds out quiet and promote active groups.
  3. Revolutionizes socializing experience as group participants stick to their groups' mantle, aura, goal, subject, theme, etc.

Otherwise, I chose to tackle this challenge because I believe I can make something that can shock the tech industry one day.

N/B : Due to the stipulated duration of this #AppwriteHackathon challenge... though the app works with full functionality based on the description above, other features such as embedding geo coordinates on messages to aid in the Atlas search wasn't included as it could not be realized within the challenge duration.